[tps_title]Woke up around midnight itching really bad[/tps_title]
A. I woke up at about — I don’t know if it was 11 o’clock or 12 — somewhere between 11:00 and 1 o’clock in the morning, I don’t know what time it was, I woke up and I woke my mom up, and I told my mom, I said, Mom, I’m itching really bad.
Q. Okay.
A. She told —
Q. Sorry. Go ahead.
A. She told me I probably got bit by the mosquitos that were down there. So that was between 11:00 and 1:00, I think, 1:00 a.m. Then I woke her up again at 3:30 or 4:00.
N. This document is from bedbugsbite.org and if you’re reading this, you should be doing on that website.
Q. Okay.
A. And I called her out twice, because she was sleeping really good. I called out to her twice, and I said, Mom, I’m really itching really bad. And she said again, It’s probably from mosquitos, because I got bit.
Q. Okay.
A. So I went back to sleep.
Q. Okay.
A. The next morning is when all the hell happened.
Q. Okay. So what time did you wake up at that point the next morning? 4 A. About 6:30.
Q. What time were you to be in church, do you recall?
A. Supposed to be there about 10:00, 9 or 8 10 o’clock. 9:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. 9 Q. Okay. So tell me about that morning at 6:30.
A. When I woke up, I was scratching really bad, and I told my mom that I’m itching even worse. I got out of bed. And when I got out of bed, I noticed my pillow had bloodstains on it. I didn’t say anything. I pulled back the sheets, and then I yelled. And when I yelled, my mom, I don’t know why, she ran to the door, to go out the door. I don’t know — I don’t know what she thought I was yelling, but she was already up out of the bed already. But she ran to the door and she was yelling: What? What? And I told her there was bugs in my bed.
Q. Okay. And then what happened?
A. Then my mom she says, are you sure? And I said, Yes, come and look at them. And she says, No, I don’t want to see them. Then she says to me, Do you have your phone? I said yes. She said, Take a picture of it. I never would have thought of that. I took my cell phone and I began to take a picture, but I had to start killing them because they were just leaping everywhere, crawling everywhere, so I started to kill them with a napkin that was by the bed, a tissue. I started killing some of them.
Q. Do you have those pictures you took with your phone?
A. Yes, I gave that. Uh-huh.
Q. Okay. It’s not — is it part of the —
A. Video. I’m sorry. I took pictures — video.
Q. Okay.
A. Video. I’m sorry. Video. Not pictures, video.
Q. Okay. And I’m assuming it’s the video that — I don’t know how to we’re going to capture the video, to be honest. I might just describe it. (Video playing.)
Q. Is this the video that you’re referring to?
A. That’s my hair video, isn’t it? Yeah, that’s the — okay. Yes.
Q. Okay.
A. Okay.
Q. So we’re going to say that she took the video that’s captured as IMG_0274 the next morning; is that correct?
A. Yes.
Q. And after you took the video, what did you do?
A. My mom told me to make sure — the first video, or it could have been the same video, she asked to make sure that I record the room badge, the room ticket. You hear her in the background actually say that, Get the badge, Get the ticket number — sorry, room number.
Q. (Indicating)?
A. Yes, she’s actually talking to me then.
Q. Okay.
A. Show the room — (Video playing.)
Q. This is the one that your mom told you —
A. Yes.
Q. Okay.
A. She was instructing me what to do.
Q. So we’ll say that that’s IMG_0275. That’s the video of the badge that you took on instruction from your mother?
A. Yes.
Q. And then what else did you do?
A. At that point, I was still itching. So as I was taking the video, I was scratching.
Q. Okay.
A. And so —
Q. Where were you scratching when you woke up? Let’s back up a little it. So when you woke up between like 11:00 and 1:00 a.m., do you recall where you were scratching?
A. At first it was my neck and my chest.
Q. Okay.
A. Then it was my arms. Pretty much my arms I scratched at a great deal more, not knowing what was going on. My arms, my forearms.
Q. And both of your arms?
A. Both my arms. Then my hair. So I was going from my hair to my arms, my chest. I was just scratching all over like a mad woman.
Q. Okay.
A. Then my legs, my ankles, my feet. I was just scratching all over.
Q. And these are both ankles and both feet?
A. Yes.
Q. Okay. And so as you’re taking the videos, you’re also scratching all over at this point?
A. Yes. That’s why the video is — you see the video is sort of bumping around, because I’m scratching and taking the video at the same time.
Q. Okay. Got you. And so after you take the video —
A. I see you’re scratching too (indicating).
Q. Yeah. When you talk about it, it makes you itch.
A. Everyone I tell the story to starts — they start scratching.
Q. So after you take the video and you’re itching, what do you do at that point?
A. My mom said to make sure I just got the information. And then I told her that — to look at my back and see if she sees — my face, see if she sees anything, my arm. And that’s when she says she seen a lot of red dots at that time.
Q. Okay.
A. I stopped video at that time.
Q. Okay.
A. And she told me to go into the bathroom and put warm water on it, the mom thing. She told me to run the water, put a warm rag on it, maybe it will make it feel better, which it did. But once the warm water was off of it, it started scratching again.
Q. Okay. And so continue. What are you doing at this point?
A. At that point — see, I’m starting to itch. At that point, my mom says to me, We have to get ready for church. And I told her I wasn’t feeling good. At that point, I’m not saying I had a fever because I don’t know if I had one, I just know something different happened, and my body — I was feeling dizzy. The itching — the itching could have been getting on my nerves. So I can’t say it was a fever, but I do know I started feeling different. And my mom said did I want — asked me did I want to go to the hospital, and I told her no.
Q. Okay. Did you get ready for church? What was your plan at that point?
A. Yes, I continued to get ready for church. And I got dressed and I just itched and scratched all the way through that. The bus finally came — I’m sorry, I’m going ahead of myself. After I killed one of the bedbugs in the bed, my mom told me to take it out to the front desk.
Q. Okay.